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Psychogenealogy distance training course


In this article, we are going to outline our Psychogenealogy distance training course. But first, here's a short explanation of this “new” method.

Psycho genealogy is a personal development method that allows you to discover the repetitive psychological problems of a family in order to release them.

Indeed, it seems that some psychological problems get passed from a generation to another (such as family loyalties for example: please see our separate article about this) and create damages that can be more or less disastrous.

By undergoing a Psychogenealogy study with a practitioner (or a psychogenealogist), it is possible to unveil those negative repetitions and set up adapted therapy sessions to deal with them (carrying out symbolic actions for example).

Psycho genealogy is also used by psychotherapists and practitioners for a similar goal: to help the patient get rid of the family's psychological weight.


Distance training to become a Psychogenealogy practitioner

Our Psychogenealogy distance training course has two main aspects:

  1. The first one corresponds to the theoretical study of the method through our e-learning platform. It is possible to download most of the classes, so that you can print or save them on your computer if you wish to, or simply follow the training online.

  2. The second step happens through personal work affording the opportunity to practice the theoretical knowledge acquired. This personal development work (which is not therapeutic work, since this is a training course and not a therapy) is indispensable to make the method yours and be able to use it in your professional activity.


Our distance learning center

The distance learning center Agoracadémie mainly offers personal development trainings (for oneself) and professional ones (for use with your clients):

  • Psycho genealogy,
  • NLP,
  • Sophrology,
  • relaxation,
  • EFT.

Most of these trainings are in French only at this time.

Created at the beginning of 2010 by Laurent Bertrel, some of the trainings lead to certification and can allow you to add a valuable tool to your professional skills. This is the case of our training in Psychogenealogy.

You can sign in right away and start your learning experience in just a few minutes (the time that it takes us to approve your enrollment and provide private access for you). So don't wait.

Start the adventure of distance learning right now!


Our prices are unbeatable!

We think that the cost should never be an obstacle to learn and that is why we offer the fairest possible prices.

The other reason is that we don't have the same expenses as a traditional school which has to have higher rates because of having real time trainers, classrooms, administrative structure, materials to print and advertising.

We limit our advertising because our goal, rather than growing, is to share our knowledge and skills.

This way you win, as you can learn and get training whenever you'd like, still being supported at distance by an expert of the method that is taught and without having to follow a school's organization or a group's rhythm that can be too broad