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Psychogenealogy distance training - e-learning

Psychogenealogy distance training
5 5 3 Product
250,00 € each

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If you want to do the practioner level and you are not a counseling, psychotherapy or therapy professional, please contact us BEFORE your online registration! 

Total price of the Psychogenealogy technician certification: 250 Euros.

Total price of Psychogenealogy practitioner certification (includes the technician level) : 250 Euros + 120 USD for the personalized support.

Please note: this is a special introductory price, so take advantage of it quickly!


Our Psychogenealogy distance training

As it isn't always easy to find training where one lives, why not invest your time in an online and distance training course?

This way, you can choose the best time to be trained (in the evening, during the day, on weekends, on vacation) as the training is available at any time, 7 days a week, 24 hours a day.

You are the one in charge of your progress organizing your schedule.

What if you have a question or need help? Your tutor is available to be your support all through your training.

Even if the program of this Psychogenealogy distance training course is 100% online (via our e-learning platform) and at distance (through Skype, email...), the support can also be given in person depending on your geographic location (ask for more information).

Do you have a question about this online and distance training?

Don't wait to contact us right away!


Psychogenealogy in a few words

Psychogenealogy is a personal development method that brings light on psychological family patterns.

It is by focusing on the concept of psychological inheritance transmitted from generation to generation that we can get free from some sort of family curse.

This work is generally done with therapeutic help with the goal of liberating the patient from the weight of his family story.

To know more about this method, please go to the presentation page of our training.


Technician or practitioner: who is this training for?

  • The technician training is addressed to anyone who desires to get initiated to this method without professional purposes.

  • The practitioner training is principally designed for counseling, psychotherapy or therapy professionals. Therefore, it is accessible to the psychologist, therapist or coach already working in the field or getting training to work as a professional.

Don't hesitate to ask for more information before signing in.


What is the training content?

The program of this Psychogenealogy distance training course is organized in 7 modules, module 7 being for the practitioner.


Module 1

  • Origins of the method and presentation of the different tools

  • The genosociogram (how to build your Psychogenealogy tree...)

  • Personal work objective

  • family loyalty or fidelity


Module 2

  • The projected meaning

  • What is behind first names?

  • Introduction to the use of symbolic acts to deprogram the negative memory of origin


Module 3

  • Symbolic acts (principles and first protocols)


Module 4

  • Curses (the crime memory)

  • Symbolic acts to deprogram these memories


Module 5

  • Love or love disillusion (introduction to the problems related to love)

  • The memories related to love disillusion and their actual consequences

  • Symbolic acts to deprogram these memories


Module 6

  • Work and career (introduction to the issues related to work)

  • The memories related to work and their actual consequences

  • Symbolic acts to deprogram these memories


Module 7 - Especially for the therapist

  • How to use Psychogenealogy in a session

  • What to pay attention to

  • Which trainings would be required as a complement


→ Each module ends with an online test (multiple choice) that will be taken to complete the technician certification. As a reminder, to obtain the practitioner certification, you need to have done and passed the technician certification.

→ The practitioner training course is organized around personal work (determined from module 1), guided by our tutor in the framework of an individualized support of 2 hours.


What is the duration and cost of this Psychogenealogy distance training?

The duration and cost will depend on your training choice:

  • If you choose the technician training, the duration is about 30 hours* and the total cost is 250 Euros.

  • If you choose the practicioner training, the duration is about 100 hours* and the total cost (including the technician level) is 250 Euros + 120 USD for 2 hours of individualized support through Skype (additional hours may be proposed to you. They are recommended to master the method -depending on your previous knowledge- but they are not obligatory). 

*This is obviously an estimate depending on your actual knowledge level and your learning speed. 

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