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Transgenerational: definition | Agoracademie since 2010


Transgenerational: a definition

We call transgenerational the transmission of an inheritance coming from remote generations.

These generations are not necessarily known by family members and nonetheless, they transmit what the psychogenealogist or transgenerational psychoanalyst calls the psychological inheritance (see Transgenerational Analysis).

This inheritance can sometimes be very heavy to carry as it can have problematic or even dramatic consequences for the next young generation.

For example, a person can unconsciously reproduce the same repetitive problem encountered by his previous generations.

In order to be loyal to his family, the person is going to experience the same difficulties and same suffering, which allows him to fully belong to his tribe.

Indeed, it is by paying his part that the person finds and keeps his position in the family.

You have understood that, transgenerational transmission can come and sabotage all your efforts to live your dream or simply to live better.

Liberation being the solution, we will present a method that has proven its worth with many patients:

  • Psychogenealogy.


Psychogenealogy: its definition

The transgenerational exploration can be effectively contemplated through Psychogenealogy.

Similar to another method also known by therapists and more and more patients who are open to an original systemic approach, Bert Hellinger's Family Constellations mentioned in another of our articles, Psychogenealogy helps a person be free from his negative psychological inheritance.

This liberation can happen thanks to identifying a repetitive trangenerational psychological problem.

We can then eliminate it by neutralizing its negative energies that have been transmitted to the descendants.

Symbolic acts are the most common way to undo the influence of this problem by breaking the vicious circle of family repetitions from one generation to another.

Whereas some people consider the symbolic act as magic, others view it as a simple and direct communication technique with the brain (the reptilian part for example).

The symbolic act doesn't change the history of the family -since it is past and therefore can't be changed anymore- but it changes its negative energy that is having direct and harmful consequences on the descendants.

This life story re-printing functions as a reprogramming favoring the psychological problem's resolution, which has the happy consequence of stopping its transmission definitively.


Psychogenealogy Online Training


Training: Agoracademie

Is this transgenerational adventure interesting you?

Do you want to go back in time to verify that your present difficulties aren't the result of an invalidating psychological inheritance?

Are you a therapist, or wish to become one, and add a new tool to your professional tool box?

Whether you have in mind a personal or professional development goal (the second one always being preceded by the first one), discover right now our Psychogenealogy training.

This training is online (e-learning) and at distance (email and Skype) but being supported in person is also possible depending on your geographic location.

Ask us about it!


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